Monday, February 15, 2016

The Death of Justice Scalia Should Scare the Hell out of US!

February 15, 2016
By Terri Lynn

The Frightening Reality of the Death of Justice Scalia
and why EVERY American should be Petrified

Never in my political life, and let me repeat and emphasize, NEVER have I been more frightened for our countries future than by the death of ultra conservative Justice Antonin Scalia. His unexpected death on February 13, 2016 scares the Hell out of me. This is no joke. Consider what is at stake: The moral and political  direction and Constitutional interpretation of enacted laws, should there even REMAIN a constitution, is up for grabs in the biggest power grab by liberals and conservatives in our nations history!

Antonin Scalia was the most Ultra Conservative Justice on the Supreme Court bench, appointed in 1986 by Ronald Reagan. He served 30 years conservatively interpreting the law. He was the cautious voice of reason and restraint of the 9 judges that rule on issues that effect every single one of our lives and every aspect of our lives, indisputably. Think on that: 9 people in this country decide our fate and moral direction.  

 He was a loud voice on moral issues, and unafraid to address the direction of the court:

On Gay Marriage:
In 2015 on the gay marriage issue Scalia wrote in his dissent,  "This Court is a Threat to the nations democracy". Scalia continued, "this decision robs the people of the freedom to govern themselves".
His dissent on gay marriage being forced on society was a scathing rebuke. You should take the time to read it.

On Abortion:
Scalia wrote, "There is no constitutional right to abortion"

He was not pompas at all, nor was he a narcissist, but a leveled headed, self controlled, realist who said

"A system of goverment that makes the People subordinate to a committee of nine unelected lawyers does not deserve to be called a democracy"! Antonin Scalia

His death will now greatly throw off the balance of power. 

The bench now consists of the following justices:

          Liberal:  (4) Ginsburg, Breyer, Sotomayor, Kagan
Conservative:   (3) Thomas, Alito, Kennedy
         Sell out:   John Roberts
     Scalia seat:  
If Obama appoints the next justice there will only remain THREE conservatives left on bench! Christians moral issues and way of life will be over.

Justice Scalias replacement on the bench will be made by President Obama, who has already appointed 2 ultra LIBERAL: female justices: Elana Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor. With this next appointment, Obama will have appointed a third of the US Supreme Court who will serve the remainder of their lives interpreting the law via their liberal lenses. 

Conservatives are urging the delay of the appointment of Justice Scalia replacement be made for the next president to appoint in 10 months from now when the new president will take office. However, Obama has staunchly resisted this suggestion, and is adamant that he will be the President to appoint the next Justice. With the appointment of another liberal Justice, the court will lean ultra liberal and this  court will no longer have political, moral, fiscal restraint.

This is suspect. The timing of his death, and the circumstances of his death are highly suspect. Obama is a lame duck President, wanting to ensure that his "Fundamental Changing of America" is complete after he leaves office.

My concerns about the circumstances surrounding Justice Scalia death: 

  1. A pillow was found over his head!
  2. President Obama said no autopsy will be preformed on Scalia body
  3. Case of death is ruled a "heart attack"

A Supreme court judge dies with a pillow over his head, and no autopsy is performed? Stop right there and think about what I just said. A Supreme court judge dies with a pillow over his head, and no autopsy is performed?

Obama is quick to lambaste, ridicule and dismiss conspiracy theorist who question the suspicious circumstances surrounding events, yet how could a rationally thinking individual NOT question this?

For the sake of argument, Lets dismiss the obvious clue of something being amiss, with the pillow over his head. Lets dismiss that the president didn't want an autopsy done on his body. Lets accept the "official cause of death" that he died of a heart attack.

That official narrative of "heart attack" with no autopsy FURTHER supports conspiracy theory.

Conspiracy: heart attack guns

In 1970s, there were the Church Hearings before congress where the CIA had to appear and answer question about their operations and it was revealed that the CIA does in fact use heart attack guns on dissenters and enemies. Research that.

Was Scalia a blockage to getting the liberal agenda that Obama is wanting ruled on before he leave office?

Cases that will be decided on:

  • Religious Freedoms
  • Freedom of speech
  • Spying on US citizens
  • Immigration
  • Gun Control
  • global warming---(professors calling for imprisonment for dissenters) 
  • Fertility/Sterilization in Obamacare HHR Mandate (vote is coming up in a few months)

Think on the implications of Justice Scalias death, and the political climate that we live in, and Obamas power grab and promise to "fundamentally change America" and the possibility of Scalia being taken out does not seem too extreme to believe.

Pray for our nation, we are about to slip into Hell.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent points, all. We should all be on our knees for our country, beseeching God to save us...but first people must turn back to Him. As secular as we've become, I'm not sure that will happen.
