Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Bruce Jenner: The Mutilated Man

By Terri Lynn

Today we as a society are being inundated and overwhelmed with images of Bruce Jenner "transitioning" into a "woman". The world is celebrating this and calling him "brave".  However, according to the word of God, He is rebellious, and this act is an abomination. A few years ago we would have acknowledged this for what it is: morally reprehensible.

Now concerning BRUCE the MUTILATED man..

First, to build a "house" or build a moral society, there has to be a "plumb line", An absolute, unwavering Truth. But what is truth? Who defines what is acceptable behavior?

The WORD says "what is truth? thy word is truth". (John 17:17)

I am NOT judging,  because we must ALL give an account for our actions, (2 Corinthians 5:10)
But this open and blatant rebellion to God has now been brought into the open place, and thus I will address it "openly". In 1976, Bruce Jenner put his athletic abilities on public display to the entire world. And the world publicly discussed him. Today, he puts his deviant behavior on public display to the world, therefore, I will publicly discuss it.

The infallible word of God, the plumb line of truth, says:

  • (1)"God created them male and female, male and female he created they them. (Mark 10:6).
  • (2) The word also asks, How can the clay say to the potter "I don't like what you made me". (Romans 9:21)
  • (3) it says, God looked at all he had made and said "it is Good". (Genesis 1:31). God looked at what he made! He didn't say Oops I made a mistake!

The word even goes further than that, and says

  •  "BEFORE I formed you I knew you" (Jeremiah 1:5)

God knew your spirit before he made the body! God knew what body to put you in!!You were NOT born this way.

The word of God says" the effeminate" will be thrown into hell (1 Corinthians 6:9)

Gods does not purposely create a reprobate (a sexual deviant) to then eternally doom from birth! Perversion and deception did this!

The one who comes to only kill steal and destroy did this to Bruce Jenner. (John 10:10)

Bruce Jenner is NOT now a woman. He is now a MUTILATED man.

Bruce Jenner had breast augmentation. What does that prove? He had breasts attached to his body? You can attach a Mercedes emblem to the hood of an Isuzu, It's still an Isuzu... The internal parts are still an Isuzu.

A rose by any other name is still a Rose. A male triathlon winner by any other name, than Bruce, is still a Bruce.

He will never be happy because there is a God sized hole in his heart that can only be filled by God.

Bruce Jenner can change his hair, clothes and body, but he can't change the image that God created him in and intended for him. He needs our prayers. And so do his children, and ours. So does our society, as we are going the way of Sodom and Gomorrah.

God  judged Sodom and Gomorrah for deviant behavior. As  a "Christian" you CANNOT support Bruce Jenner; You side with him out of pity, or you side with God out of truth.

God is the absolute truth and he does not change to accommodate someone to make them "feel better about them self"

But beware, in Romans chapter one, (Romans 1:32) not only does God call this a reprobate, and will condemn it, but he also says he will condemn them that support them.

We are here to glorify God, not indulge ourselves.


  1. Thank you Guy for taking time to comment.

  2. BRUCE Jenner chromosomes before "transition" = XY.
    "caitlyn" Jenner chromosomes after transition= XY.

    1. Very true. Bruce Jenner can have all the surgeries he wants; however, he will NEVER be able to change his God given male DNA.
      Be blessed.
